Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Supreme Court and Voting Rights

In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the heart of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. As a result of the decision, states and counties with a history of making it harder for racial minorities to vote no longer need prior approval from the Federal government to change election laws. The decision set off a wave of voting restrictions and voting roll purges in many states, including Florida. 

On Monday, the Court unanimously rejected a challenge that would have required the counting of only eligible voters in drawing election districts. This was a victory for voting rights and fair representation. I was holding my breath about this case, but we dodged this bullet (a suit brought by Texans) for the moment.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Human Rorschach Test

I made a vow months ago to avoid reading news articles about Donald Trump. I have been breaking that vow at an accelerating pace. How could I help it? I have not broken off all contact with the outside world. 

An Op Ed column in today's New York Times caught my eye. Its message was that working class whites who bore the brunt of the Iraq war were attracted by Trump's antiwar appeal. Since Trump seems to say anything that comes into his mind at the moment, people can find almost any message that appeals to them. Trump is a human Rorschach Test.

What do I see when I look at Trump? A carnival sideshow barker. "Step right up, folks. Inside this tent you will find wonders to delight you, no matter how dark your dreams and desires."